Diple su tradicijsko puhačko glazbalo. Sastoje se od mišine, dulca i glave. Kroz dulac se upuhuje zrak, a spremište zraka je mišina (mijeh), koja se obično pravi od jareće kože. “Diple” su naziv za cjelokupno glazbalo, ali i za samu prebiraljku koja se nadovezuje na mišinu. Kada podrazumijevaju prebiraljku (prsnicu), diple se većinom proizvode od javora i drijena. U njih se stavljaju dva piska, koji se proizvode od trstike ili bazge i oni stvaraju zvuk. Osim prebiraljke, na mišinu se još nadovezuje i glava.
Na stražnji dio mijeha većinom se postavljala kutija ili ogledalo. Na mišinu se najčešće kao ukras na nožicama stavljaju zubi divlje svinje ili rogovi divokoze.
Svira se s tri prsta obje ruke ili od jedne ruke dva, od druge četiri prsta, pridržavajući mijeh ispod podlaktice.
Diple su se u prošlosti svirale na sijelima i dernecima. U zadnje vrijeme najčešće se izvode melodije kola, odnosno diple su većinom pratnja plesu.
Na fotografiji/Zvuk (On the photo/Sound): Jure Miloš (Grude – BiH)
Foto/Obrada (Photo/Processing): Ana Marić
Diple are aerophone musical instrument. They consist of mišina, dulac and glava (head). The air is blown through the dulac, and air storage is mišina (bellows), which is usually made of goats’ skin. Diple is the name for the whole musical instrument, but also for the prebiraljka (chanter). It is added on the mišina. When they imply prebiraljka, diple are mostly made of maple and drier. Two mouthpieces are put into them. They are made of reeds or elder, and they make the sound. Except the prebiraljka, at mišina is build a glava (head). Kutija or mirror is set up on the back of the skin. As decoration, on the mišina (skin), wild boar teeth or chamois horns are most commonly used. It is played either with three fingers of both hands or two fingers on one hand and four on the other, while holding the skin below the forearm. Diple has been played in the past at gatherings and parties (traditionally called dernek). Recently, the tunes of the kolo dance have been performed most often, i.e. the diple are mostly played as an accompaniment to the dance.